Shoplifting Offender Classes, Central Savannah River Area

HomeClassesShoplifting Offender Classes, Central Savannah River Area

We offer shoplifting offender classes in a non-judgmental environment.

The ramifications of shoplifting can be far-reaching, ranging from legal consequences to damage of personal relationships to a tarnished reputation. To address these challenges and reduce the risk of repeat offenses, you may be required to attend shoplifting offender classes. However, to get the most support and positive change from the classes, it’s important to work with a team that is experienced, caring, and dedicated. If you’re in the Central Savannah River Area, you can find the support you need through our team at Georgia Family Crisis Solutions.

Shoplifting Offender Classes in Central Savannah River Area

There are many factors involved in shoplifting, including financial difficulties, psychological disorders, or peer pressure. Our team takes the time to understand the underlying issues in order to adjust our strategy to match the unique needs of each class member. We also work hard to foster a safe and nonjudgmental environment in which offenders feel comfortable addressing their problems and receiving assistance.

With this in mind, it’s easy to see that a one-size-fits-all approach is rarely effective. As such, you’ll find that our shoplifting offender classes cover a wide range of issues to address a variety of needs and circumstances. Additionally, you can gain additional support from our other services, such as individual counseling, if needed.

It’s important to understand that our shoplifting offender classes are more than just dealing with previous and current issues. They also give you the skills needed to avoid future offenses. You’ll find that we emphasize skill development, including a focus on things such as impulse control, financial management, and dispute resolution. By equipping you with these abilities, you’re able to lay the groundwork for a brighter future.

To attend our shoplifting offender classes, you’ll need to contact our team to make an appointment. Upon completion, you’ll receive a certificate to verify your attendance.

  • 1-Hour Class for 6 Weeks
  • Intake – $50
  • Class – $40

At Georgia Family Crisis Solutions, we offer shoplifting offender classes to people located in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA), including Martinez, Evans, Augusta, and Grovetown, Georgia.